Switch Marketing

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Ways to attract website traffic using online content.

As content marketing experts, we know that generating high quality content is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. The cold sell is out, giving your clients information that they actually want and can share is in.

When it comes to online marketing, your website is one of the most important ways to reach out to your ideal customers and share that content with them. The idea is to drive more quality traffic (made up of qualified leads) to your website – the more of this kind of traffic, the more leads, the more sales. For this, content marketing is tops.

 Three big ticket ways to use content to generate more traffic

1. Blog, blog, blog.

Writing original value-filled blog posts is a great way to share useful content with your ideal customers. But not just any blog post will do. Make sure it’s well-written, follows a familiar structure and offers your clients something new and valuable. And don’t forget to focus on SEO – it’s as important as ever. Great blog content establishes you as a thought leader and helps to develop trust relationships with your clients while generating organic website traffic.

2. Share the image.

While blogging should have a valuable place in your marketing strategy, most content that is shared is visual, not written. Using and sharing different types of media content can be a valuable marketing exercise. Think well-designed infographics, short video clips and photographs – these elements can be easily shared from your website and across social media channels, from Facebook to Instagram. The more sharing, the greater your reach, and the more traffic back to your website.

3.  Give to receive.

Resources that visitors to your website can download are another way to harness the power of content marketing. First, there’s the actual content – whether it’s an infographic, template or eBook, sharing content that visitors can use on their own is a great way to connect with ideal customers and encourage them to return to make contact again and again. Downloadable resources also help to establish you as an industry and/or services expert. Second, if you offer your resources in exchange for email addresses, you can market to leads directly. And, you are likely to get referral traffic from visitors who love your resources and want to share them with others.

From designing an impactful website to executing a content (or inbound) marketing campaign that really works, are you looking to work with a team that know how to get your marketing done right, from concept to execution? Talk to us about outsourcing to our expert team. At Switch, our creatives are focused on using the power of content marketing (and our passion for stellar content) to market and grow your business.

Is your website up to the task of great content marketing? Find out how to make (and use) it right in our new eBook.