We’re not like any other team, and you’ll get to know why!

Marcus Rivera

Marcus Rivera

Head of Strategy + Sales

I’m passionate about padel and making THE BEST dad jokes.

Vivienne Jackson

Vivienne Jackson

Project Manager + SEO

I’m the cool, calm and collected sailor that keeps our boat in tip-top shape!

Thandeka Shangase

Thandeka Shangase

Social Media Lead

I am always on the lookout for content that is engaging and thought-provoking.

Jade Moodley

Jade Moodley

Digital Content Architect

Barista in training by day and a website enthusiast ALL day.

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Blogging is still relevent!

In a world where content is king and computers can write content at super speed - take a break and read some of our best work written by our amazing team!

What is Summit?

We’re changing the way the world sees digital marketing because we believe that new times are coming - and we want to prepare you. Learn about our newest initiative at “away with the old, and in with the new!”