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Three ways to make the most of your lead capture landing page.

A landing page is a landing page is a landing page, right? Not so! While definitions might blur and landing pages might serve more than one function (sales, lead capture, splash page etc.), there are different types of this super-important aspect of any website  that you can use to attract new customers and connect with loyal fans.

Want a quick look at different types of landing pages? Take a look at what our partners in all things digital marketing say right here.

In today’s post, we’re looking at how to optimize those landing pages that are targeted at lead generation – at getting visitors to share their personal and contact details with your business. More specifically, lead capture landing pages. A lead capture page is similar to a squeeze page (focused on getting just an email address) but it sources more information, such as name, email address, business address, industry and job title. This is all useful data in getting to know your customers better. In most cases, this kind of landing page is the start of the conversion phase, rather than a point of hard sale.

Landing page power points

1. Watch that length

How much information you ask for depends on where your visitor is in the sales funnel and how that connects to them landing on the page. The more invested they are (having come to the landing page through accessing more than one download or interaction), the more information you can ask for in order to help direct your visitor in the best possible way. That said, remember that most people are short on time and don’t want to share too many personal details. Translation? A short, well-focused form is more likely to be completed (and provide you with the detail you really need) than a long-winded version.   

2. Punchy and scannable copy works best

In most cases, your landing page won’t just be a contact form – you are going to have to offer a bit more detail about what you are actually providing to get your visitors to engage. Copy that explains the purpose of the landing page should be short, clear and compelling. Our top tip for dealing with lengthy copy? Break the copy up with lists, headers, and bullet points, and use space strategically. Most people do not enjoy reading large chunks of text and tend to be online while multi-tasking so it’s best to remember that distraction and wordy copy do not make the best of friends.

3. Get visual for the win

Research shows that content with images gets 94% more views than content without! Not only have we learnt that individuals enjoy looking at pictures and videos, for true engagement, they need to look at relevant images – ones that include useful data in a pictorial form or that entertain or encourage them. Good visuals can help explain your landing page simply and quickly, and get visitors to stay and engage. Blend info and image into attractive content (and know what content works for your business and audience) and see how our engagement results change.

Using your website for effective lead generation can be hard work but the results of a job done right prove that it’s definitely worth it! Need a helping hand? That’s what we’re here for – start with our very own lead generation landing page, all about super useful strategies for generating hot leads today.

Looking for smart ways to get high quality leads? Look no further!