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Three (more) ways to make the most of your lead capture landing page.

Landing pages are an important part of making your website an effective sales tool. Created just right, they can be used to gather relevant information about your target market, as revealed by visitors to your website, and help you make better, more impactful sales.

 In a previous post, we looked at making the most of your lead generation pages by focusing on length (shorter tends to better), copy style (keep it clean and punchy), and the importance of visual elements (attractive images lead to better engagement). You can read more about these elements here. In today’s post, we’re going to offer you a three more powerful ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your landing page.

More landing page power points:

1. Hold your visitor’s focus. You’ve worked to get your visitor to your landing page (most often from a touchpoint outside your website) so it’s important to keep them there. Your copy is short and accurate, your image is clear and compelling and your CTA leaves no room for confusion… you have your visitor right where they need to be. So, don’t confuse matters by adding links to other pages on your site in your explanatory copy. Don’t risk them navigating away from the page before you’ve captured their details. Want to share a download? Show they more information? Get them interested in another offer? Offer links after you’ve got the info you need, not before.

2. Make sure you're offering what you’re offering. The headline on your lead generation page should align with the CTA and with what is actually on offer. Don’t promise your visitor a download in exchange for some information and them present them with a broken link or something other than what they were expecting. The same goes for free downloads – if you’re say they are free, make them free. Customers don’t enjoy being lied to or deceived and, if there’s a catch they don’t see coming, you’re sure to lose their trust. And the sale and relationship that goes with that.

3. Sharing is caring. Social sharing is a must when it comes to getting your content out there. Even if the person who visits your website (which should be a sales generating machine) and shares your page doesn't buy from your business, someone they’re connected to might. Add visible social share buttons (to platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) to your landing page and make it easy for your fans to share your content. Plus, Google “likes” a highly shared page.

There’s so much you can do to get your landing pages tip-top! Want to make sure your website is doing what it should, in the best possible way? Let us help.

Start with our lead generation landing page, full of tips for generating hot leads today.