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5 hot tips for better business blogging.

For businesses keen to get noticed in the fast-paced, digitally-based world of inbound marketing, blogging is a critical social media activity. Research shows that it can help drive traffic to your website, establish your authority as a thought leader and generate leads.

If you’re a marketing manager (or in charge of marketing activities and services for your business), it can also be tough going at times – the competition is stiff and, considering all the other tasks on your plate, thinking up new blog ideas and writing the actual content can take time and dedication you might not feel you have. However, the benefits of a great business blog make it all worth it!

Need some inspiration for turning out blog posts designed to speak to your ideal customer? Engage new clients? Up sales? In today’s post, we’re sharing five sure-fire ways for better business blogging.

Improve your business blogging with these hot tips

1. Have a plan

While you might want to write when inspiration strikes, the most successful blogs are the ones that post regularly (at least twice a month if not more) and offer up-to- date content. Put in place a content schedule so that you know when you are due to blog and stick to it.

2. Learn about keyword research

While you might know what you want to blog about, it’s a good idea to find out what your customer wants to hear about. Keyword research involves looking up popular keywords that people are typing into search engines. If you include keywords in your blog post, you improve your chances of ranking high on search engines. Plus, they’ll give you some great ideas for blog post topics.

3.  Keep the content hot and fresh

Today’s customers crave content that will give them useful, relevant information – information they can use to make their lives better. Keep an eye on industry trends and write about what’s happening now. And, every time a customer ask you a question, add it to your blog topic list – solving customer problems is a solid way to ensure readable content and get readers to come back for more. Simply put – forget the hard sell, focus on great service.

4. Write what you care about

There’s so much content out there – some of it great, some not so much. And while you might not be the best writer in the world (or the most experienced in your industry just yet), enthusiasm is contagious. Show that you care about what you do and that you’re an authority in your own right and you’ll attract like-minded and interested readers.

5. Use what works

While your content should be unique (or at least have a personalised twist), don’t waste precious time and energy trying to use a unique structure for your blog post. Use a tried and tested template (there are tons to choose from!) and then stick with it. This will make blogging easier and create a sense of consistency for your readers.

The best business blogs are those that have ideas worth sharing and that share those ideas well. What do you think about the above tips? Want to hear more? Talk to us – we want to hear what our customers have to say about blogging, sales and all things inbound. And if you need help with creating the best business blog (or setting up social media channels that work) for your business, we’re here to help!

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